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Saturday, February 16, 2013

The Tournament Poster of Power

Tournament poster design requiring lots of photoshop image layers, filters, and 3D rendered images of the US-K logo I created in 3DS Max.  I've been using the Luce filter in my digital image designs a lot lately and I feel that this effect has been the strongest so far. 
I especially like how the beams shine through the pagoda-like structure overtop the fighter silhouettes performing on the competition mat.
The US-K logo shines and maybe almost glimmers with radiance as the weight of that graphic element pulls the eyes downward through the poster's contents.  I created the US-K logo during a logo modeling project with 3DTi (3D Training Institute, New York City, NY) online training courses I took during 2011-12 to brush up on the latest features in the current versions in Autodesk 3D production tools.