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Friday, April 12, 2013

JaPoppa Brand Concept Logo & Pepper

After seeing this,
who would not want a bag of JaPoppa brand Jalapeno Popcorn? 
This concept logo and brand character of Pappa JaPoppa and his special recipe popcorn was created in Photoshop.  Fun characters like Pappa are a real joy for me to create.  Completely by accident, he ended up resembling a beloved and distinguished real-life friend of mine.  The realization hit during the process, but instead of resisting it, I decided to go with it and see whether it worked...and I love it.

Pappa JaPoppa ended up with a monocle much like another beloved brand bipedal legume who likes to wear tall top hats, but I swear, Mr. Peanut was nowhere in sight when I sat in my sister's kitchen designing this dapper pepper!  After some quick and dirty sketches with SketchPro on a penabled screen, I espunged spectables, tuxedos, leglessness, and muscles from the concept but decided on a monocle, moustache and monobrow.

I always find that rough sketching out ideas helps to get a clear picture of what I want to eventually see, and not want to see in the final concept. 

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Monster Illustration for Mobile Game in Vector

This illustration was created completely in Adobe Illustrator using all vector shapes and layer effects.  I had been asked to create a monster illustration for a children's mobile game project providing all assets in Illustrator.  I was given several reference images for a variety of monster styles.  Since one of my own monster characters fit the bill, I decided to waste no time designing a new one and just get down to the nitty-gritty Bezier curve handle-ing.
But, before I opened Illustrator to lay down points, I pulled out my Fujitsu Lifebook with penabled screen and made a concept sketch on Autodesk Sketchbook Pro to keep me on track during the production phase of the Illustrator project.  The sketch was done is a 20 minute sitting and the Illustrator project took a Sunday evening to complete.

A little about how this character was created in the first place.  He, or it, started out as a sketch done while living in South Korea using a mechanical drafting pencils primarily .05 for base and .03 for sharp details.  I was just going with the flow on this one and could see his image on the paper (if you can understand what I mean).  I call it the Monoptic Finger Alien because his legs are flexibly jointed fingers with distinct finger characteristics of knuckle lines, finger nails and rounded ends like finger tips - as to distinguish them from the typical non-jointed, point-tipped structure of tentacles.  The sketch below is lightened to clean up the background of the sketchbook page, but the original drawing lines are darker as I don't care for light handed sketches.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

The Tournament Poster of Power

Tournament poster design requiring lots of photoshop image layers, filters, and 3D rendered images of the US-K logo I created in 3DS Max.  I've been using the Luce filter in my digital image designs a lot lately and I feel that this effect has been the strongest so far. 
I especially like how the beams shine through the pagoda-like structure overtop the fighter silhouettes performing on the competition mat.
The US-K logo shines and maybe almost glimmers with radiance as the weight of that graphic element pulls the eyes downward through the poster's contents.  I created the US-K logo during a logo modeling project with 3DTi (3D Training Institute, New York City, NY) online training courses I took during 2011-12 to brush up on the latest features in the current versions in Autodesk 3D production tools.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Capt. CrawDad

Capt. CrawDad has a secret, no, its not that he has a crustacean claw in place of the standard pirate captain hook.  And, no, its not hidden buried treasure.  Whatever it is (and I know of course, but...), it must remain a secret until his story is published someday.

Capn' C, created sometime in 2010(?) in my life in Korea, was another of several character created in my dreamscapes that managed to be documented on paper before fading into the nothingness mere moments after waking.  The funny thing is not that I remembered so much as that I was able to get a decent memory sketch down with a simple contour line with my eye lids still glued somewhat shut in my groggy state.

That morning sketch is not present at time of post, only these ink lines done in Paint Tool SAI.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Concept Illustration

An accomplished author contacted me a short while ago seeking to enhance the visual aspect of his stories. This is a concept piece for a book cover illustration of a protagonist in one of the author's many writings. Without disclosing the story or other sensitive information I wanted to display the progress of the painting.

In this work, I had the opportunity to experiment more with pre-customized brushes and created some custom brushes for myself.  I needed a special brush to simulate the African hair, and even though it has not gone through the final pass, I am very pleased with the result.  There is yet much to do but this was completed in a couple sittings as sample work and I am enjoying the progress thus far.
Disclaimer: Background image is credited to Toni Bratincevic.